The wedding cake has been eaten, the last bottle of champagne has been drunk, the presents are all unwrapped and put away. Now is the time to look back and remember your day. The people, the photos, the memories, the words.

Give someone a gift of words and they will remember you and your wedding long after the event is over. A framed print will last a lifetime and evoke happy memories each time it is read. Let people know how much you care by dedicating a bespoke poem especially for them. 


Want to thank your Mum and Dad for making you the person you are today? How about your Sister (or Brother) - you love them really! The Best Friend who was always there through thick or thin, a Grandparent or Relative who means so much to you.  

If you’ve always wanted to say how you feel but never quite got round to doing it or find it a little awkward, a poem is the ideal way. It can be sentimental, romantic, happy, witty, embarrassing or risque! Your choice.





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